It came out of nowhere and was on me in a flash. (Okay under me....And....Not really ME per se but my giant gas guzzling SUV.) After a split second of hesitation I swerve hoping to dodge the poor, innocent woodland creature, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Just as I swerve to miss the possum, it decides, in its boundless wisdom, to run back underneath Nature's Lament.
(The new name of my truck I think.) THUMP! CRACK! ONOMATOPOEIA! And just like that I knew the little fuzzball had met its maker.
The worse was the frozen looks on his face. (Or her face.....Oh Dear God not HER face....Did it have babies!!!!??? What have I done!?) The stunned yet forlorn look on it's face has been burned indelibly on my mind and soul since.
Immediately after, I couldn't help but wonder. Did it die quickly or did it suffer? Should I go back? Why did it run back underneath Nature's Lament? Is there something else I could have done? I wonder what it would be like to suddenly look up at and have two giant orbs bearing down on you as bright as the sun, and the powerlessness you would feel in that split second. (I am going to go with "bad". It would feel "bad".)
At this point in the narrative I feel the overwhelming need to make "a point". I could talk about the fragility of life. (Just thinking about talking on that just seems pretentious.) I could talk about the two glowing orbs as the eyes of God and how sometimes in life we feel like God just "runs us over". But, at this point I can't help but picture God as a giant fat man driving a rusted out pick-truck with a rifle, a can of beer, hunter's vest, and greasy hair that flows majestically from underneath a mesh trucker's hat.* He, of course, is laughing maniacally as he hunts the possum. (Yes I am the possum.) I could even talk about me being the driver and how I have (metaphorically) "ran over" people I care about in my inability to pay close attention to the "road". (You people know who you are.)
Meh. In reality I ran over possum and felt bad. Thought I would share.
*If I offended any trucker's hats I apologize. I recognize and am grateful for your contribution to culture over the years.
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